090509 kbaz.

jenaka pendekkk

"a question asking you
what would you do if you were going to a restaurant
and you wud like to enjoy time by drinking a cup of tea
n when the man came and gave you the cup of tea
then suddenly a fly came n dropped inside yr cup of tea
what wud you do?
the joke continues..

if you were a british, then you wud do it in a v/ cold way; the british way
you'll just leave it. u'll leave the tea and the fly and go
if you were an american
then you will take the fly, throw it and drink the tea.
but if you were a Japanese
you will drop the tea and eat the fly
if you were a palestinian like me
you will drink the tea and eat the fly
poor palestinian
but if you were an Israeli
lets see what you would do
you will sell the tea to the american because he'd drink it
and, you will sell the fly to the Japanese so you'll get money
and, you will raise a case to the court against the owner of the restaurant
because you were possibly being killed because of the fly
and, you will ask the United Nation and The International Court for some condolences of USD 100k"

09 May 2009 - saya telah menghadiri konvensyen berakhirnya agenda zionis di dewan merdeka pwtc. alhamdulillah sgt tidak menghampakan. semuanya berlangsung dgn lancar dan sistematik. the only disappointing part was the sold-out-palestine-like shawl (salah sendiri, sape suruh lambat beli). dan perjalanan balik dari pwtc yg sgt, erm, pfft, screw that. apapapun tahniah teramattt sgt kpd penganjur, aman palestin dan pembina atas semuanya. bayangkan, hanya RM10 yuran penyertaan, peserta dilengkapi dgn kit program, dewan yg selesa, tak perlu berdiri atau memegang kipas tangan sentiasa etc. dan bayangkan you were to go to a rock/jazz/pop/any genres concert, berapa nak kena bayar? tp konvensyen ni, makan tengah hari was also included. agak terkesima sebenarnya. peserta yg berpelekat orange makan di bilik mawar; pekerja, service, food, cara hidang, bilik mawar tu semua blh dikira mcm hotel standard. "mungkin ramai yg sponsor", bella, izzah, dan saya bermonolog dalaman. ouh di blk mawar, kami ada juga ternampak org kuat aman palestin, pn nor hashimah, yg pernah dtg ke uitm sempena malam penutup bulan palestin. &&& all 3 of the panelists ; dr azzam tamimi, dr mohsein salleh and dr roslan were incredibly awesome. esp dr azzam. fave =D.

dr azzam tamimi

mufti perlis juga hadir sbg perasmi konvensyen. speech dia = terbaikkk. dr azzam and dr mohsein flew in from london and lebanon semata-mata untuk menghadiri konvensyen tu. bagus kan? i was invited by jojo to go to this event and thank God saya terasa hati untuk menyertai, so I jumped at the chance and registered. i then invited my friends thru facebook. budak-budak medic uitm yg datang - saya, bella, izzah, hazim, helmi, dan hafiz. budak tiggers = hakimah, chong, jojo. athirah planned to go tp ada aral melintang, what to do. hue sian juga sbb dia semangat sgt nak pergi. oh tp yg pasti, speech semuanya sgt memukau, agak all ears masa dgr speech dorg, byk yg telah kami pelajari, dan harap dpt amalkan dan sebarkan, inshaAllah.

quoting dr azzam, since lots of ppl out there are being ignorant, tis the role of the enlightened to show the correct way to others. uhu. tanggungjawab. oh. dr azzam pun ada mendedahkan dlm paperwork beliau yg zionis ni bukanla hebat sgt. hence tk perlulah nak bangga dgn zionis tu. (yahudi tk sama dgn zionis). bahkan belia israel tu bukanla berani pun. langsung tk dpt nak dibandingkan dgn pejuang-pejuang hamas. fakta; semasa perang di gaza baru-baru ni, org-org dkt gaza tu jumpa byk diapers. meaning - askar-askar israel were so afraid untuk keluar dr kereta kebal diorang untuk buang air. reason - belia israel sgt leka dgn hiburan, tade semangat juang. hedonisme~ hiburan yg dorg sendiri reka tp memakan diri sendiri. hah, shameful. media plk tak dedahkan pasal benda ni. so again, salah media juga. on the contrary, askar-askar hamas pula berjuang dgn iklas inshaAllah.

neway, i was so excited when the speaker introduces dr mohsen. he's the director of zaytuna centre of studies in beirut. excited sbb zaytuna institute, reminds me of hamza yusuf who is the founder of zaytuna institute in california. sgt suka lectures by hamza yusuf. tp tk pasti zaytuna yg sama or lain. ika kata mungkin sama, tp lain tempat. allah hualam. dr mohsen juga mengingatkan saya pada dr ghassan(my iraqi anatomy lecturer, pakar enterologi) kerana accent mereka lebih kurang sama. cuma, Dr mohsen's lagi pekat, sbb dia tk dpt sebut huruf 'P' dgn betul, dan semua perkataan with a letter 'P' in it. eg peace. he would pronounce it as 'b'eace as in "i like BEES/BEAST". i intrepreted : bees. izzah : beast. dua-dua tk masuk akal. afta 4 times the word being used, then only izzah n i came to realize that it was actually PEACE. "I LIKE PEACE". heehe

dr mohsen
starts his presentation w/ a joke (referring to the above joke), which i find it v/ funny n interesting to share :)
lol. dr mohsen kemudiannya menyambung dan menjelaskan tentang jenaka yg disampaikannya - kes kita sekarang adalah sgt jelas - negara israel tu secara jelas satu penipuan - walaupun jelas - ironinya dunia masih support.

i say, samela mcm kita dah tau bila kita buat dosa tu, syaitan yg hasut, tp kita masih ikut telunjuk syaitan, mcm mana tu? - dush. soalan utk diri sendiri sebenarnya. huk. doakan hakimahhh yg byk khilaf yg harus diperbetul. huu

PS; will inshaAllah make a review/just upload the speech i recorded on that day.
PPS; sempena Hari Nakba - 15 Mei - http://www.za3tar.net/2009/04/21/blog-about-palestine-day-2/
Blog About Palestine Day



atiqahmki said...

atiqah likes this ~\^_^/~

Anonymous said...

heh.. atiq tiru aa... ku pon nk ckp ku suka neehh~!
n sumhow ku lg suke dr muhsen..
sbb pelat dia tu kot.. heh..
both of em r great~!

unfortunately, tersengguk sket masa sessi tgh hari.. letih berjalan kot n berusaha utk masuk.. huhuh..

azfarumar said...

huhuhu...mcm rugi lak sbb x gi...
mcm best je...

muhammad syafiq said...

salam, ziarah..
blog palestine tu utk ap?
xplain cket..

t h x :)

حكيمه خانئ said...

ika, since when awak buat emoticon camtu? lol
sabar eh jepa n ika.
will upload the speech l8r. dah convert mp3 dah. nnt korg dgr la, tadela rasa rugi sgt tk pergi hee. tp ada yg bising2 sikit, org sebelah sembang. hue.

to muhd syfq:
basically blog for palestine tu sempena hari nakbah.
utk memperingati hari nakbah, yg rmi org dh mcm lupa. so sape yg nak participate, just simply write an entry tk kira la pasal apa as long as objective utk igtkan org ramai pasal palestine tercapai.
boleh tgk dkt link tu, ada details dia. ouh, no prob. =)

al-khawarizmi said...

aku pon ske dr azzam sket..pasal bilik mawar..aku sepatutnya makan ka san gak..tapi salah ikut org..haha..mkn kat tempat lain..sorok sticker tu..heh..
mendapat maklumat dari penterjemah masa tu (naqibku) peruntukan utk konvensyen tu adalah sebanayak rm500k.

حكيمه خانئ said...

rm500k? whoa.
jumlah org yg dtg - abt 3000. sorg bayar rm10.
3000 x rm10 = rm30 000.
rm500 000 - rm30 000 = ?
do the math. that's a huge number.

btw, yr naqib was the penterjemah? yg dkt screen tu? uu, mst hebat kan language dia, laju gl translate.

حكيمه خانئ said...

btw, aku plk. patutnya mkn dkt bilik lain. rupa2 nya ada dua jenis sticker orange. orange pekat dgn orange cair.
tp tkpela, bilik mawar plg best! ramai VIP =D

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