090509 kbaz II - Dr Azzam Tamimi - first session.

Blog About Palestine Day

konvensyen berakhirnya agenda zionis

This is Dr Azzam’s first presentation including the Q&A session which I’ve recorded during the KBAZ. However, I only managed to record the last three quarter of the presentation, sorry. The duration is just abt 40mins. So pls bear and listen till the very end of the recording. byk interesting facts & ada yg sedikit kontroversi (tentang imam mahdi). Tp the first quarter yg tkde dlm recording tu, saya include dlm review saya dkt bawah ni. Kalau ada ralat/tk make sense, my bad, sila perbetulkan. barakallah feekum :)

1. Pada mulanya – org2 Yahudi sendiri tdk bersetuju utk mendokong agenda zionis. Theodore Hertzl dianggap murtad dan berbahaya bg org Yahudi. Yahudi masih merasakan haram utk zionis menakluk palesitn. Dlm kepercayaan mereka (dlm kitab Talmud), mereka haruslah menunggu Mesiah/Mahdi utk menakluk bumi palestin. Theodore hertzl dikritk krn mereka member khidmat kpd diri mereka sendiri dan bkn kpd Tuhan mereka. Zionis sebenarnya bkn terdiri drpd org Yahudi shj. Ada juga Kristian zionis, and even muslim zionis. Cth: Hosni Mubarak & Mahmoud Abbas. Dlm perancangan mereka menakluk palestin, majority yg menyokong rancangan itu adalah kristian zionis. Hny seorang yahudi zionis yg member sokongan. Saya against sesiapa shj yg meyokong Negara Israel atau zionis, wlupun dia seorang muslim. I am semitic more than other jews – term anti-semitism tlh disalahguna oleh Yahudi. Martin Luther – founder kpd Kristian zionis – gerakan plg anti-semitic di eropah. Balfour – leaders of Britain – kristian zionis – yg memilih palestin. Why Palestine? What’s so special abt them? I believe it’s beautiful but not the most beautiful country in the world. Because. 1 – they believe al mahdi will come dan bersama-sama menakluk palestin. Jadi dorg fikir, baik kita pergi palestin then bila the messiah (almahdi) dtg, it wud be easier since they have already arrived there. 2 – palestin is the heart of the muslim. So alang2, boleh prevent the revival of islam. 3. – tk sempat jot down ;P. Org2 yahudi yg blk ke rusia, kemudian mereka lari ke eropah timur. Dan akhirnya mereka dihalau ke palestin. Kristian zionis ada colonial mentality spt protestant di utara Ireland.

Theodore Hertzl’s story. He came to seen the king of Italy nak mintak Libya as the land for the the jews. Then the king thought he’s Arabic. Then thodore hertzl sed, im not even religious. Ada lg some other choices ie argentina, Uganda, Cyrus, mozambique. Tp the british insisted, nak jugak Palestine.

2. Jewish are in control of everything? I as Muslim believe that it’s against my faith to believe a certain human-being is in control of everything. Only ALLAH is in control of everything. But the Zionists and other groups are WEAK.

3. Protocols od elders of Zion - fake

4. It is a great mistake to deny the holocaust. W/o Holocaust, Israel wud nvr hv been born. w/o hitler, the jews had nvr left their home in Europe & came to my country and taken the home of my people. Holocaust is a fact. But ppl can argue abt the numbers. Wether its 5 million or 1 million. Wether its 600 000 or 100 000, its a horrible thing. But despite the fact that the jews are frightened. Not all wanted to go Palestine. Many of them wanted to go to England, france, spain etc. But Israel is the project of the west- the Christian Europe. Its not even a jewish project. The jews are used as a tool. And they allow the westerners to use them as a tool. It is an injustice to our brothers and sisters in Palestine. But nowadays when the media is all corrupted by the Zionists, increasing and increasing number Jewish who support Zionism.

5. My idea is that – we need to understand the root of the prob – what it is abt and what it means. Conc – wtv u read, wtv u hear, try and ascertain the truths. In order to know if its valid. Read history with analytical mund. Serve for the Palestinian cause.


Q1 – regarding hitler. & adakah holocaust itu suatu perkara yg dirancang oleh hitler utk membantu zionis?

A – Hitler hated the Jews. That’s why the nazi and Zionist I sed in my presentation, are thinking together they collaborate with each other to get the jews out of Europe to Palestine. When that dint happen, it ended and became what is called as holocaust. But wether the jews left voluntarily or not, I don’t know. Hitler was an evil man, he hated not only jews but so many other kinds of community

Q2 – from a Nigerian uia student. Asking abt the false document, And a hadith. & surah al-isra’

A – hadith itu hadith sahih. But i wud advise you to stop there. My advice to you that any hadith that talks abt the future, leave it to the future. Because we dnt know wether it applies to this situation or the future situation. The rule : Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors. Anybody that comes and fight with & wants to take my home from me and kills my children, i will fight him, wether he’s a jew/chrtistian/muslim/atheist/wtv he is, i hv the right to defend yrself, yr property and if u die in the process of defending yr property, u are a syahid. Abt the protocol (minute 20) – there’s no origin. During the time when the document is being circulated, the Zionist was not powerful at all. Now today, the ppl are saying tht the Zionist are powerful. That they are dictating and they influence the decision making of America etcetc. And they say oh this is what we read in the protocol. So you empower them that they become powerful.

Q3 –( Min 27). A question abt imam mahdi. I believe u sed twice that there’s no such thing as imam mahdi

Q4 – (min 28). Gerakan zionis bermula ditaja oleh Theodore Hertzl. Sebenarnya ia bermula dr tahun 70M. Ketika berlakunya satu revolusi di turki. Masa itu pemerintahan rom mengangkat yahudi ke afrika. Theodore hertzl terlibat dlm satu penubuhan satu badan – freemason yg wujud di seluruh dunia sekarang. Msia pun ada. Mustafa kamal artartuk dididik di sekolah ini dan akhirnya menjatuhkan turki. Ada satu lagi badan di amerika yg dicadangkan oleh yahudi – sbb itu amerika tdk menyebelahi org islam. Tahun 586 sebelum masihi, jatuhnya kjaan Israel. Tp pd masa itu, Israel islam – diperintah oleh daud dan sulaiman. Ada gerakan baru yg membuat taurah baru – Talmud.

A – abt the mahdi, if u want to believe the mahdi, be my guest. There is no hadith that is sahih and agreed by the ulama abt the coming of mahdi. Thr are hadith that has weakness here and there. But be careful; the idea of the mahdi is. When ppl are weak, victory and salvation will come when a certain individual will so miraculously be able to bring you out and takeyou away from the predicament. This is not what the quran is talking abt. The quran in talking abt work.

You have to work. You have to do yr job, u have to carry out yr responsibility, don’t just wait for the mahdi until you die. (min 37) the mahdi will nvr come. U hafta do sth. Jihad!. U hafta support the mujahideen. But if just lay down n say the mahdi will come, u and the mahdi will be gorgotten. What is a mahdi? As a father u hafta do yr job. As a mother, a daughter, a son, a professional, a farmer, as a member od muslims that want to change the world, you hafta do yr responsibilities! U want to wait for the mahdi, wait for the mahdi. Im not going to wait for the mahdi, im going for jihad until i die in the cause of Allah!

*Dr Azzam- seorang aktivis politik & ahli akademik palestin. kini, sbg warga british , beliau merupakan direktor institut pemikiran politik islam di londan. sering muncul di al jazeera & stesen tv arab dan inggeris lain utk memberi pandangan ttg isu yg berkaitan zionis dan palestin. sering menyumbang artikel kpd the guardian serta menulis beberapa buah buku ttg isu politik di palestin dan timur tgn spt "rashid ghannouchi, democrat within islamism" dan "hamas: history from within". aktiv sbg ahli persatuan muslim british dan gabungan 'stop the war'.

dr roslan & dr azzam


PS: of negeri perak's political crisis, i reserve my comment. lol. memerhati, mendengar, melihat, dan membaca dr jauh. *giggles**sigh*



ika said...

tak bjy dgr pun vid tu.is it just me?
will try again sometime later.

hakimahhh. said...

oh bukan vid pun. audio recording je.
kte dh try upload dkt imeem. dgr la. sbb yg kte tulis ni tk semua, mcm ada lopong2 sikit. tp points iA betul. dgr laaa. best.

oh tp. spelling salah. theodore HERZL. bkn hertzl. lol

Anonymous said...

salam.. wah kejelesannye u went to that KBAZ! i only read the iklan in Ust. Halim's blog... nk jugak shawl tuh.. nnt klu jumpe, iman kirim 1 juga ek! ;P silekan m'link iman.. =P

hakimahhh. said...

salam, iman :)
how's yr iman today? teehee. oh, ha'aa sgt best pun KBAZ tu. unexpected. ouh, okie inshaAllah inshaAllah, kalau jumpeee, tp hmm mcm dah tatau kat mana eh nak cari shawl tu. hehhe.

Azli said...

salam wrt.

wah tq! its super thoughtful to upload the notes n the recording. especially to those yg hvnt got d chance to be there.

semoga dalam dakapan Dia sentiasa