
sambil-sambil mengupas cili kering ptg td, teringat movie Yes, Man, yg suatu ketika dulu sgt digemari sy dan shakira, ha ha. it's a good story though, a man, starred by Jim Carrey was challenged to actually say "yes!" to everything. there was a scene in which, seorang stranger yg agak menakutkan, minta Jim Carrey utk hantar dia pergi masuk dlm hutan belukar out of nowhere. and to frustrate the stranger, was not an option. otw pergi tempat tu, stranger td tu sesuka hatinya gayut pakai Jim Carrey's cell phone sampai battery kong. n bila dah sampai tempat tu plk, gas habis. ha ha. tp tu bkn ending la. hueh. neways, i kinda agree with amazement to the idea of saying Yes! =D

so td, someone tanya if i have any articles sbb dia nak kasi tazkirah later that evening. maka, apa lagi, YESSS! terusla cari dkt bro Fazrul Ismail's blog. n i happened to read an entry yg besttt. (link tweeted on twitter).

tu je nak share. oh ohhh. teringat ada somebody ckp dkt surau. rebutlah peluang utk contribute for the deen. for instance. plg simple: gunting headband "Rise for Gaza" utk Malam Palestine. who knows, usaha kte menggunting headband tula yg plg ikhlasss.

PS; a TWENTY-year old female died of pneumonia at 9am yesterday- 4th h1n1-related death in this country. and. another teenager, a NINETEEN-year old student. cause of death: was killed after falling from a motorcycle when her baju kurung got entangled with the vehicle chain yesterdayyyy. innalillah. ouh. we nvr know when will be our turnnn.



Anonymous said...

cili kering pon orang kupas ke?
cam x ble bayang cili kering dikupas.. r u sure kupas?

meninggal baju kurung lekat masuk rantai motor...
da a ku slalu bawak motor..
i won't live long.. huhu..

kima. said...

oho, erm, eee, aaa, hmm, err dah tu apa? potong? kupas = bawang. potong = cili kering. kan kan? ( malunyaaa, tskkk)

nisaa said...

heehee..cili kering = buang bijik cili je..

terase cam nk tgk lak movie ni, sbb die suro say YES tp wujud jgk buku2 motivasi yg ajar to how to say NO..

neway, great blog! :)

sAkinahmAzlan said...

owh yess!

friend of mine once said,

"aku ssh nk tolak permintaan org."
kira lebih kurang always say yes la kn?hehe

bgus tul friend of mine nih..huhu

حكيمه خانئ said...

hehee tp nak buang biji tu kena potong dulu kan? jkjk =P yep, sometimes we do need to say no. neway, ni nisa kawan chep ke eh? =D

jom jadi mcm yr friend! tee-hee.